Wood v Wasco County, No. A161351, addresses how to apply mootness principles to an alleged public records violation. In 2014, allegedly without giving proper notice under Oregon’s Public Meetings Law, the Wasco County Board of Commissioners voted to give notice of the county’s intent to withdraw from an intergovernmental agreement. After the Plaintiff sued to have the notice declared void and also for equitable relief to ensure future compliance with the Public Meetings Law, the Board of Commissioners voted to rescind the notice. According to the Oregon Court of Appeals, that vote mooted the Plaintiff’s suit.
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The Idaho Court of Appeals Addresses Appeal Despite Finding the Question Raised Was Moot
By Christopher Pooser on
Posted in Idaho Appellate Practice
The Idaho Court of Appeals recently addressed when an appeal is moot and when it is appropriate for an appellate court to review an otherwise moot issue. Hansen v. Denney, 2015 Opinion No. 14 (Mar. 27, 2015), does not add much to Idaho jurisprudence on the mootness doctrine but continues a line of…